
This is a simple blog of our simple country life. No added sugar, color or preservatives. :) Take a moment and reflect.....

Monday, January 16, 2012

A Winter Day

There's nothing like a nice winter day. The sky was clear and the sun was shining. There was a hint of smoke in the air.
And Country Boy asked me to help him with a project.
It doesn't get any better than that.
C.B. usually does not ask me for help. Therefore, it means it must be a pretty big project!
I asked what we would be doing and he replied there were just a few things he needed done in the shed. (Which Shed?) Good Grief. Oh yeah, ok, the old Grainery shed. Got it.
I made a pot of coffee and started gathering my supplies.
It wouldn't be good if I went somewhere without my phone or camera. haha.
I skipped out to the shed with a pot of coffee and some cups thinking it was going to be a great afternoon. Then I saw this:
C.B. was already out there working and I spied a scaffolding. WHat??
Oh boy.
I asked how it was going.. cause it was the polite thing to do.
C.B. said it great. He just wanted me to climb the scaffolding and hold up a heavy light fixture so he could screw it in the ceiling.
No big deal.
Now, I didn't get a good picture of the scaffolding itself, but just so you know, it has wheels on it.
Yes, it does. So you can move it easily and push it around and stuff.
I was going to be on that thing.   Oh geez.
I'm not afraid of heights. Not really.
I'm not afraid to work... not usually.
I just didn't want to look down when I got up there.
It made my tummy feel funny.

I just didn't know why C.B. felt like he had to have lights out here in this old shop.
I mean, goodness, if it was dark out he could just go in the house.

We had lots of help.

Lucy is Miss Curious and would whine whenever I would climb up... But Waylon.. well, he didn't really move much. lol.

We had lots of things to do before we could pull that darn heavy light fixture up there, and C.B. made a mess...

But, it cleaned up ok.

Allrighty then,  it's time for a break. My favorite part...

We sat around on things and I let my feet dangle while we discussed the history of this ole' shed.
You see, it's been a work in progress for 18 years.
C.B. had to clean it out, take the insides out, and pour a concrete floor. Then he added interior walls and organizational things. It's been a spare time project for all these years and now he thinks he needs lights to keep on working on it. I don't know what he's thinking.
There's some little handprints in the concrete to remind us of the girls when they were little.
Kinda made me tear up. Golly, and where were they now when we needed all this help??
Teenagers are never home. You should know this by now.


C.B. got his lights up and all is right with the world.
They even work.
He had to go out after dark last night and test them out.
I decided it was alright.
He can have some lights out there because not only will he be able to see what he was doing...

So would I.

Let there be light!  :)

Friday, January 6, 2012

One of those days

Have you ever had one of those days? One of those days you wished would have gone different... could do over or never even happened??
Yeah, I had one of those days a couple days ago. I had to wait to talk about it.
I had to make sure it was really over. Didn't want to jinx myself by discussing the matter. Ha.
It started out a lovely morning. I worked out. Made breakfast for the family. Got ready and made it to work on time. (That always starts the day out right).
It was a busy day at work. Which was a good thing. It really makes the day go by quick.
Well, I had put supper in the crockpot before I left so I was ready to go home and eat and put my feet up. Of course that didn't happen. I got home to figure out that I had turned the crockpot on but had forgotten to plug it in. Oh my.
The next morning didn't go well either. There were still bad vibes in the air because of the crockpot.
Anyway, I made it to work on time. That in itself was a miracle. I spilled coffee on myself and all over the floor chasing the dog that didn't want to go out, forgot my phone and halfway to town realized it and had to go back and get it, then I barely missed hitting a tire in the road. That was all before 9 am.
Not a good sign.
Work was fine. Thank goodness. (As a hairdresser you'd hate for me to say that something went wrong.) lol
It was after that.. I had left work early because I needed to attend a funeral. I think it was weighing on my mind... because I forgot to make arrangements to pick up one of the kids, had coffee spilled completely down my front again.. and then I couldn't find anything to wear.
Life just catches up with you sometimes.
I made it through the funeral. I felt so bad .. it was for a dear friends mother.
The rest of the afternoon was just crazy.
Dishes were staring at me, the laundry was hollering and there was food to fix.
So I sat down.
I just had to sit down.
Obviously my brain was not functioning properly.
I have recently ordered vitamins for this.
Oh dear.
I lost my camera usb cord.
I couldn't find my notes from work.. (for my other Real Estate job)
I broke the butter dish.
Need I say more??
And all my kids can say is that they're hungry.
They are always hungry... unfortunately it's never for what I"ve fixed ...
Ok... the 24 hour brain freeze was just about over.
I fixed supper... and went to bed.
That's it.
It's never the big things that cause me such stress.
It's all the little annoying things.
Thank goodness it's over.

That's all I've got to say about that.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

As I'm sitting here contemplating all the things that have happened last year.. I'm eating caramels and banana bread trying not to remember my New Years Resolution. Which of course is to get into better shape. Actually my resolution is not to have a get into better shape resolution next year!
The very best thing that happened 1 year ago was the purchase of our little farm.
It's given Country Boy all kinds of things to do and work on.
A reason to tinker.. and to buy things.. (it's a deduction you know)..
And it's given him a place to hideout so I can't find him.

Now he always has something to do.
Not that he didn't before.
It's just validated now.
We are so thankful for some dirt to dig in,
our family and friends,
our health,
and our jobs.
And our puppies.
(They seem to be the entertainment around here when the girls aren't home.)

Sometimes in all the chaos of life, I forget about all these things.
It's too cold to sit on my front porch and ponder.
Although I did go for a walk last weekend when the temp. made it to 57 degrees!

Well, this year definitely had it's share of work and worry, fun, good and bad times.
I can't remember the bad ...
but I'm sure there was some somewhere.
Now it's just all a memory. A moment of time that has passed.
We're looking forward..
We're anticipating greatness...
And.. we are wishing you all Blessings in the year to come.
May God Bless you and Keep you and may His light shine upon you....
and give you Peace.
Happy New year!