
This is a simple blog of our simple country life. No added sugar, color or preservatives. :) Take a moment and reflect.....

Monday, May 30, 2011

The Neighborhood

Things have finally settled down around here. Although we were sad that our high school softball team lost out at the state tournament. The girls did have a great season. We're proud of them all but especially this gal:
Signs on the side of the road.
The high school season is officially over and now our summer season will begin. Lots more softball to come for us!
It's been nice to be home. I thought maybe I should check out the neighborhood since I haven't been around much. Make sure nothing had changed and things were right where I left them. ha.
I started out on a nice walk and walked right past my garden. I didn't want to see this:
Those are my poor green beans. Some japanese speaking bug got to them. Won't leave them alone. I'm going to have to do something about it. I'm going after the japanese beetles now. Gosh.
I better check out C.B.'s beans next. They're right on my way.
Just look at that. You can actually tell where the rows are. They'll be nice and green in another few days! I decided to keep on walking. The sun was shining and although warm it was a nice day. There were things I needed to check on.. and do. I needed another wheat picture. Hadn't taken one in awhile.
It's looking pretty good. It's all headed out and started to change color. Soon it will be the golden wheat that is so famous. Another month or so and this farmer will be harvesting! About this time a neighbor was driving by on the gravel road I was on. We visited for a couple minutes. Then away he went. I kept right on walking. A little further down the road I ran into some more neighbors out on their ranger checking cattle. I stopped and visited with them for quite awhile. It was fun. As we parted ways I found their cattle.
See that big bull there in front. Yeah, he kinda scared me. That little barbed wire between him and me didn't make me feel any better. Cattle are a curious bunch and as Waylon and I went walking by they followed as far as they could and then they stood in the corner of the pasture and stared at us.
A little further down the road I started smelling something really good. It was a very nice fragrance. I kept going but kept smelling it so I decided to investigate. Finally I found this along side the road:
It's a country rose. A wild rose of sorts. There are pink ones and white ones and lots of them in the ditches along side the road. The smell absolutely wonderful. I'm not the only one to think so.....
It was time to start home. It was getting hot and humid. You could just see the humidity hanging in the air...
Kansas is a crazy place. We've had a fairly cool spring and then you wake up one day and it's summer out. Whew. Well the neighborhood checked out. The neighbors are good and the hood is too. lol. The weather is hot and windy and it's not a good hair day. I'm glad to be home. School is out and summer has officially begun. Let the fun begin! ....

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