Now that's what I"m talking about! Although these are grape tomatoes.. the big ones will be getting red before too long. What a glorious sight!
I'm out snapping photos of tomatoes and I keep hearing a pitiful noise. It's a whine.. a crying. I went to investigate and sure enough. It was Ginger's baby kitty. She was stuck in between some metal sheets stored in the shed. Poor baby. She had been missing for a few days. You never know about farm cats.
I had a friend drop off 13 cats from her farm a couple years ago. She had too many. We babied them as much as we could. Two of them got ran over by the school bus. One by the Schwan's man and one by Country Boy. They just kept disappearing. I think we still have some that are out in the barn. They just don't come to the house anymore. There's just Ginger and her baby now.
Anyway, I'm out in the garden area and I just have to go by the asparagus patch to look at it. I'm just meant to have asparagus. That's all there is to it. I can't believe it. I like to count the plants and admire them. Well what do you know...
Another shoot! Whoo hoo! There are now 11 shoots.. yes I said 11. I can't believe it. I wouldn't be a good gardener if I didn't tell you about it. It's amazing really. It's amazing that a poor kitten can survive 3 days without anything and it's amazing that this asparagus even grew at all. It's all about the dirt maybe. ha.
The garden is looking good. There's some green peppers. The beans are blooming. The addiction of canning and preserving is about to hit me. I love it. I love lining the shelves of my pantry with jars of produce from my garden. It's fulfilling. It's crazy. It's fun.
I get a glazed look to my eyes...
I get dirt under my fingernails...
I get bug bitten.
I dream about it.
I have nightmares ... like my canner blowing up. Stuff like that.
I get real tired from not sleeping and from harvesting.
I get sore from all the picking.
But I can't explain it. It has a hold on me.
Then there's things to freeze too.
Bags of vegetables... cherries..
Oh the loveliness of opening the freezer and finding food!
It hits me then.
The tiredness, the peels, the mess
And I get real sick of it.
I"m ready for the garden to be done.
I'm not there yet though.
I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of the first red tomato......
Bacon tomato sandwiches. YUM!
The potatoes bloomed. The spinach is done. The radishes are gone.
There's more to come... there's more to come!
If you see me in the next few weeks and I don't wave or anything..
don't be alarmed.
I'm in a canning fog and I'll be back later.
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