Well, the farm is in between. In between one thing and another. The alfalfa is blooming.. It's been too hard to get it cut in between storms. The equipment is ready though.
There's C.B. and adorable daughter #1's sidekick changing air filters. (At least that's what I think they are doing.) ha. Everything's ready now for more cuttin'. It just has to be cut in between the rains. In between just enough to be dried and raked and all that. Not very much time for deciden' when to do it either. Oh my. So what do you do in between? Some people cut weeds....
That is a thistle. Some people cut them in between doing other stuff. Some people don't. Some people think they are evil. Some do not. Some people cut them like crazy maniacs. Some do not. Some people even spray, cut and dig them up. Some people don't.
Some people think they are beautiful. Most people I know do not. A few years ago Country Boy and I went to New Orleans to visit some friends with my in-laws. It was a fun trip. One of the funniest memories of that trip was staying in a motel that had planted Thistles in front in the landscaping on purpose. We just couldn't understand it.
As a teenager C.B. was hired by an older farmer to go out into a pasture to cut and bag thistles all day. It was a hot summer and he worked hard. The agreement was to cut some small cedars out of the pasture the next weekend so he was to be paid for both jobs then. During the next week, the farmer died. C.B. felt really bad for the farmer's family. C.B. never got paid. The family didn't know about the work he had done. He doesn't like thistles to this day.
I just can't seem to convince him that there's any beauty here. He won't hear of it. So.. if he sees one anywhere on our property, he digs them up and cuts them down. That's all there is to say about that.
Sometimes in between things you go and admire other things. Like this:
That's our neighbor's wheat. It sure looks purty. Harvest is just around the corner. The harvest trucks will soon be in my way wherever I go. It's okay. Harvest doesn't last long.
In between everything there's time to check the beans! Imagine that. These are my beans and we are going to eat some soon!
These are C.B.'s beans. I don't think I wanna eat any of his.
The clouds are rolling in. I don't think I have long in between to get much done. I need to get the burgers off the grill and grab the clothes off the line. In between all of that.. and another .40in. of rain... I think I'll put my feet up and pet on Waylon. After all, everything is in between!
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